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Presentation training

The Canadian International Food Security Research Fund (CIFSRF), is a nine-year, two-phase, CA$124.5 million initiative implemented by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and Global Affairs Canada. The programme, which ended in June 2018, aimed to improve food security and nutrition across Africa, Asia and Latin America through applied, collaborative, results-oriented research that informed development practice.  Following on from previous successful WRENmedia workshops since 2013 to train CIFSRF teams in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and Latin America to develop outcome stories and policy briefs, IDRC approached WRENmedia to provide communications support for an end-of-programme conference in Ottawa, Canada. The purpose of the conference Towards a Food Secure Future: Lessons from CIFSRF and Beyond on 3-4 October 2018, was to highlight the achievements, impacts, and lessons of the programme through presentations and panel discussions delivered by CIFSRF researchers and external experts on the key innovations and outcomes of the projects. 

Presentation training

To strengthen the presentations ahead of the event, WRENmedia collaborated with the grantees to carry out an initial edit of their PowerPoints to improve the clarity and conciseness of the information provided. WRENmedia also provided grantees with presentation tips and guidance on engaging the audience and keeping to the five-minute time limit during their talks.

To further improve the capacity and confidence of CIFSRF grantees to deliver their presentations, WRENmedia facilitated a two-day presentation training workshop in Ottawa prior to the final event. Feedback was provided to the presenters on how they could refine and enhance the content and visual appearance of their slides, as well as on how to improve the style of their delivery. WRENmedia also worked with the presenters on a one-to-one basis to produce 20-second key message soundbite videos to succinctly explain the significance and impact of their projects. The short videos were posted on Twitter during the event to boost engagement online. 

Design of project posters

Using information provided by the programme, WRENmedia produced, edited and designed one poster in English and French for each of the 18 projects. The designs included eye catching photos and infographics and were used as promotional material for the project stands during the event.

“Let me thank you for your support to the event. Everything went very well. Sophie and Stephanie did a great job and grantees were all set to go. They delivered their key messages clearly and within time allocated, even for non-English speakers!!! It shows how much good preparation, support and practice can achieve!” – Renaud De Plaen, CIFSRF programme leader. 

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